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LCCC Klickitat Self Support Memorial Day Weekend

Trip Coordinator: Eric Lee

Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday, May 25 - Monday, May 27

Enjoy a fun-filled weekend on the Klickitat River! This trip will be a 3 day, 2 night self-support trip from Parrot's Crossing (aka the raft put in) to Icehouse Access. We will travel through the deep Klickitat canyon, camping on remote beaches along the way, admiring towers of basalt and soaking up some rays in the sunnier climes of eastern Washington. Depending on the flows, this run ranges from class 3 - 3+.

Club trips are typically coordinated by one or two experienced boaters, and are always a great way to meet new people and/or explore new rivers. Many Club trips are scheduled in advance, like this one, and still others come together on the fly. Details for all trips, scheduled or otherwise, are shared via the Club’s private Google Group.

For this trip, the trip coordinator will send an email via the Club’s Google Group with meet up time and place, details about the specific river, etc. shortly before the scheduled date. To participate in this trip, watch for that email and respond to the trip coordinator to indicate your interest.

To help the logistics of the longer drive, camping details will be announced and possibly arranged for participants.

Unless otherwise noted, the trips are open to boaters of all kinds: canoes, hard shell kayaks and IKs. Many trips will include social time either on the river (e.g. a lunch stop) or off the river (bring a camp chair and beverage for socializing at the take out).

May 19

LCCC Kayaking Clinic with Sage Donnelly

May 30

LCCC Club Social at GOL Soccer Bar